What`s a Life Span of a Trend?

"trend" has to be one of the most common used terms in fashion world and although we generally all understand it`s meaning we often forget how they`re created. in order for something (whether it`s a fashion item or any other field of interest) to become a trend it has to be used massively by the mainstream public.   similar characteristics are linked into a whole and whether it`s created spontaneously or artificially it drives attention and creates a hype. whenever something is popular in the mainstream we can call it a trend.
it`s interesting how some trends emerge and how some never leave the pages of fashion magazines. i once read an interesting article on this topic, the point being that fashion magazines and other media tend to put similar design ideas onto one page, calling them a trend. i would call that an artificial trend since those don`t always translate to the public. nowadays i think most of the trends evolve on the streets and they`re quite different than the ones u see in fashion magazines. when i say streets i mean being worn by regular people or celebrities (models, editors, actors,..). of course one person wearing something doesn`t make it a trend, but when it`s interesting enough and it shows up on a street style blog it catches the attention of trend setters.
people who adopt the trend first are the trend spotters, the cool kids if you will. they`re the ones who make it public, who make it wanted and popular. once that happens brands take the "gold mine" opportunity and start producing the trend massively. now u can see it in every store, on all the fashion blogs and taking over the street.
now why i started to write this post in the first place was because i realized although i`m great at spotting trends i`m definitely not one of the cool kids who would wear a trend before it really becomes a trend. i`m one of those people who can love a trend but it takes time before i can translate it to my wardrobe. i could say i have a pretty distinguished style so whenever a new trend occurs i take time to examine if it fits my style and how i would use it in my outfits. sometimes i`m lucky and a trend is totally my style but lately trends have not been in my favor. i caught myself loving trends when they`re not really popular anymore. that arose a question: what`s a life span of a trend?
some trends last for seasons, even years - silhouettes for instance (just think of skinny jeans and fitted jackets or dior`s new look), some are not so tenacious and die after a season. my problem is adopting trends when everyone else seems to be bored with them already. does that make me a fashion loser? i sure hope not. since i only catch up on trends that actually fit my style i don`t care if they`re a trend or no. if others feel the same does that mean trend setters don`t have their own style? does adopting everything that`s new without editing make u incredibly cool or just someone without a clear view of who u are, someone that`s craving for attention? i have to say i have much more respect for those who work their own style, no matter if that dress was last a trend in the 60s or if that jacket never saw the style pages. it shows character. it shows personality.
who are you? a trend setter or a designer of your own style?

photo: ana gregorič

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