the holidays took me totally off guard this year. caught between two worlds i was left feeling anticipated and alone. i know 2013 will change my life and it's hard to just wait around for that part of my life to start. coming back from paris i thought the time i'll have at home will be spent with my favorite people and full of memories that i'll be able to hold on when far away from home. the truth is i lost some of the people i love most this past year and they left a big hole in my heart. i know it sounds cheesy but i feel alone and kinda lost without them. what's your life worth if there's nobody to love, right? my love for paris costed me irreplaceable friendships...
so for 2013 i wish to learn how to let go. to put my "giving zero fucks" theory into practice. stop caring so much for things and people that aren't important. you see, if you ever want to achieve something, you have to start putting yourself first. that doesn't mean you should walk over people, gosh no. it just means sometimes you have to be a little selfish and do what's best for you. that's what i'm gonna do...
and for you my dear readers i wish you epic love stories, grand adventures, world travels, friendship kisses and all those little moments that make you smile and make life worth living! thank you for all your love and support through the years, i'll miss blogging terribly!
so for 2013 i wish to learn how to let go. to put my "giving zero fucks" theory into practice. stop caring so much for things and people that aren't important. you see, if you ever want to achieve something, you have to start putting yourself first. that doesn't mean you should walk over people, gosh no. it just means sometimes you have to be a little selfish and do what's best for you. that's what i'm gonna do...
and for you my dear readers i wish you epic love stories, grand adventures, world travels, friendship kisses and all those little moments that make you smile and make life worth living! thank you for all your love and support through the years, i'll miss blogging terribly!